The Truth with in Your Mind
What is truth anyway? Common knowledge ? The truth, historically has changed and evolved as our sciences have worked hand in hand with new and improved technologies. The hard truth is really only that which we can emphatically prove… or is it?
Everybody perceives differently from their unique perspective. Yet as a group of humans we seem to agree upon a common arena of accepted truths. It is the thread of our existence. What we must remember is that this arena of truth is always mutable and ever changing with the input of new factors.
So I say to you, if we can just stop stifling ourselves by statements like “I don’t believe that, there’s no proof” and that’s not true, there’s no such thing,” and replaced those types of statements with phrases like “that’s an interesting concept!” Just don’t slam the door because no one has proved it to you yet. When you continually shut the doors of your mind you simply eliminate the chance of evolving to your true potential.
I suggest to you, keep your doors open. Open as many doors as you can and let the information flow out and mingle with itself. It is quite amazing how concepts can put themselves together in your own mind and you have personal eureka moment. They occur many times in the stillness and quiet of your own mind, at times of relaxation.
If you look into the great minds of now and generations past they all seem to have the same blossoming of ideas when their working minds are set to rest and let alone to imagine up an inspiration. If these great inventive minds had never opened the doors full swing to all the possibilities, where would this world be? Still flat, I’m sure.
Pick an unknown door, open it with some research into a mysterious subject, sit back, relax and unleash imagination. The truth is out there, or in there or wherever mind space may be. There are no limits or restrictions to what you can think.