Why it must…

Why it must continue

and how YOU make a difference…

I think for moment, I would like to remind everyone that we are on a planet in the middle of infinity and it’s pretty much a closed system. In addition, we are more interconnected than ever before in history, living in a lightning fast age of global communications. We are stuck with ourselves.

And what are we again? In the simplest terms, we are nothing more than biochemical computers on two legs. Whatever WORDS we program in define who we are. We get to decide what information, or software, to install and what attitude, or operating system, we want to run it on.

At a base level we are all Wi-Fi connected and running as one unit synced together. Although it’s at a very subtle level, most people understand what I’m talking about when I say, “did you ever know that a friend was going to call before they called?” So how does this subtle connection we all have with each other effect big changes? Because it’s our subtle connection with everybody that directly creates the human conscience, meaning that WE are deciding what is accepted as morally right and what is accepted as morally wrong in the world.

Remember though, we choose what we want to program in. If you are constantly programming yourself with violent games, TV shocker shows and watching with great interest all the vices of celebrities, what do you think is going to be created and accepted in your world? Being so connected and Wi-Fi-ed together is creating a collective head space where many don’t even feel that bad about these horrible things anymore. It just becomes accepted behavior or the norm. Your choice of interests and what you focus on, is who you program yourself to be, and it effects the whole. The mental state of humanity is the sum total of everyone and what you do influences that.

Reboot. This type of continuous negative programming, by pushing the edge of extreme negative everything, can only be headed for a major crash. We are fast approaching a point where we’re going to be forced to rewrite the program, or should I say re-RIGHT the human value system. Being human means we have the ability to create monumental contributions on this planet. It also means that we have the ability to annihilate everything. Fortunately, we do have the choice.

It is time to reboot and re-right what we are doing on this planet. Do not underestimate the power of a single WORD, just imagine it multiplied by everybody.


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