RESPECTFUL, the second t-shirt design in the “Word Art” series

RESPECTFUL, the second t-shirt design in the "Word Art" series

Respect… Respect… Where have you gone? Respect of your elders, respect of nature, respect of property. I wonder what is going on in the heads of those defacing and defaming. Probably isn’t “you will reap what you sow”! I guess there can be some who have never heard of Karma before, which is basically the same thing. Ah ha, maybe the perpetrators just don’t think! Well, maybe if enough people talked of and wrote about and just wore a shirt that said “RESPECFUL” things would change a bit. At least you would hope to change those you encounter… if they can read. My son wears design #2 to school. I hope his teaches can tell me he shares what he wears!


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