Change your THOUGHTS change the WORLD….
This forum is a free-flowing inspiration to enliven the evolution of anyone who finds an interest or passion in fostering their own development. The only place that we have the right to assert our will is within ourselves, creating our own matrix of ideals that we choose to live by. Now imagine that times everyone good and true. Enjoy the wisdom of your own truths and contemplate the Oneness of All that is. We are brothers and sisters seeking our own unique ways of growth. I invite you to share your story and comment on the topics below.
May I always speak the truth. If I ever accidentally speak an un-truth, may you not hear me. If you accidentally hear me, may the un-truth be forgotten, so that the only thing remaining is the truth. ~ iME
Welcome to the Planet-MIND Idea Blog
The Truth with in Your Mind What is truth anyway? Common knowledge ? The truth, historically has changed and evolved as our sciences have worked hand in hand with new and improved technologies. The hard truth is really only that which we can emphatically prove… or is it? Everybody perceives differently from their unique perspective. Yet as a group of humans we seem to agree upon a common arena of accepted truths. It is the thread of our existence. What we must remember is that this arena of truth is always mutable and ever changing with the input of new factors. So I say to you, if we can just stop stifling ourselves by statements like “I don’t believe that, there’s no proof” and that’s not true, there’s no such thing,” and replaced those types of statements with phrases like “that’s an interesting concept!” Just don’t slam the door because no […]
Peace on Earth, is it possible? I just can’t figure out why its so hard to get along. It seems so terribly simple to me… just relax and take life with ease. Don’t rush through, stop and smell the flowers, or better yet, so something nice for someone. Generate good will towards all. You don’t even have to break a sweat. Now imagine if everyone took responsibility for themselves and did so. Woohoo! That’s the planet that I want to live on. See the PEACE shirt
Respect… Respect… Where have you gone? Respect of your elders, respect of nature, respect of property. I wonder what is going on in the heads of those defacing and defaming. Probably isn’t “you will reap what you sow”! I guess there can be some who have never heard of Karma before, which is basically the same thing. Ah ha, maybe the perpetrators just don’t think! Well, maybe if enough people talked of and wrote about and just wore a shirt that said “RESPECFUL” things would change a bit. At least you would hope to change those you encounter… if they can read. My son wears design #2 to school. I hope his teaches can tell me he shares what he wears!
The first shirt… In February of 2012, when I first had the thought-ball to start my own Planet, I decided that I needed a tangible resource of inspiration to reinforce my commitment to do my part in making this world a better place. Being that I have the tools necessary to create t-shirts I felt that this was a natural extension of my determination to grow beyond what I was encountering on a daily basis. Oh, the daily life…. ugh, at times, and enjoyable at others. But I have an insatiable desire to find others to learn from and build upon what I consider a better way of living. I just get tired of soooo much negativity around. I thought that if I could make a “power word” shirt and wear it, it would be like a shield against those trying to be negative all over me. I mean would you stand […]